Tokyo Mew Mew Wiki

Chimera Animas (キメラアニマ, Kimera Anima) are the names of the monsters the aliens create in Tokyo Mew Mew. In Mew Mew Power, the monsters are called Predasites.

The jellyfish-like creatures used to make the Chimera are known as Infusers in Mew Mew Power. In the manga and the original anime, they are sometimes called Parasite Aliens. In the Playstation game (sometimes also in the anime), they are called Para Para for short.


A Para Para
A Para Para

Chimera Animas are monsters created by aliens Quiche, Pie, and Tart when they use small blob-shaped jellyfish-like parasites called Para Paras to merge with an animal (in the anime also with a plant, or a human spirit stolen from people) to make them monstrous and under their control. However, the Red Data Animals' DNA prevents any attack of the jellyfish-like parasites, so they can't become host of the parasite. When they are defeated by Ichigo Momomiya, Minto Aizawa, Retasu Midorikawa, Bu-Ling Huang, and Zakuro Fujiwara, their host reverts back to normal and Masha eats the Para Para.

In the Tokyo Mew Mew à la Mode manga, the Saint Rose Crusaders take over the remaining Chimera Anima in their plans for world domination.

List of Chimera Anima[]


  • Chimera Rat
  • Chimera Dog
  • Chimera Elephant
  • Chimera Giraffe
  • Chimera Lion
  • Chimera Hippopotamus
  • Chimera Deer
  • Chimera Gazelle
  • Chimera Crow
  • Chimera Cheetah
  • Chimera Hawk
  • Parasite Anima
  • Chimera Amoeba
  • Chimera Krill
  • Chimera Mantis
  • Dust Waiburn
  • Xenomoglin
  • Chimera Rabbit
  • Chimera Plant
  • Chimera Fish
  • Chimera Moths
  • Xeno Jelly


The Chimera Anima in the animes are sorted by animal, human spirit, plant, and other. Those created from human spirits are anime-exclusive:


Name Episode Image Alien Creator Mark Location Misc
Chimera Rat Episode 01 Quiche Forehead Made from a rat in the park. In the remake it's skin is purple.
Chimera Dog Episode 02 Quiche Forehead Made from Minto's dog Mickey.
Chimera Lion Episode 04 Quiche Bracelets Made from a lion cub.
Chimera Seal Stormy Rhythmic Gymnastics – Becoming a Star with a Cat's Dance! ~Nya! Quiche Back of Neck Made from a seal. Quiche unleashed it at a gymnastics event that Ichigo Momomiya was taking part in.
Chimera Fish #1 Episode 10 Quiche Forehead Made from a fish. It attacked a couple in the park before being defeated by Zakuro Fujiwara.
Chimera Bat Episode 10 Quiche Chest Made from a bat. It chased a woman down the street until it was defeated by Zakuro Fujiwara.
Chimera Crow
(Dub: Great Crow)
Episode 10 Quiche Forehead Made from a crow. It controlled a flock of crows into attacking before it was defeated by Zakuro Fujiwara.
Chimera Amoeba Episode 13 Quiche N/A It was created from an amoeba in a polluted water to attack Masaya Aoyama.
Chimera Water Fleas (Dub: Dust
Episode 16 Pie Backpacks They were created from dustmites to attack a library.
Chimera Fish #2 Episode 17
Episode 18
Pie N/A These fish were created to attack Minto Aizawa.
Chimera Starfish Episode 19 Pie and Tart Central Disk It was created to attack the beach.
Chimera Sea Slug Episode 19 Pie and Tart Lower Chest It was created to attack the beach.
Chimera Jellyfish Episode 19 Pie and Tart Unknown It was created to attack the beach.
Chimera Sea Urchin Episode 19 Pie and Tart Unknown It was created to attack the beach.
Chimera Cicada
(Dub: Psycho-Cicada)
Episode 22 Tart Face 28 Chimera Cicades were made by Tart. The rest of the 27 emerged after the first one was destroyed by Ichigo Momomiya.
Chimera Mole
(Dub: Armadrillo)
Episode 25 Pie Top of Head Pie made them as part of Quiche's plan. In the English dub, they said that Dren made them.
Chimera Moth Episode 26 Quiche N/A It was hatched from a cocoon on Tokyo Tower.
Chimera Cat Episode 29 Quiche Forehead It was made from a large cat at a cat fair and had the appearance of a Bakeneko
Chimera Mole Cricket Episode 40 Tart Unknown A bunch of them were created to help Tart look for Mew Aqua beneath an arena.
Chimera Sardine Episode 41 Pie N/A They were created to fight the Mew Mews in the bay.
Chimera Lobster Episode 42 Tart Top/Back of Head
Chimera Stingrays Episode 46 Pie N/A

Human Spirit[]

When the Aliens steal the spirit of a person, they merge the spirit with a Para Para to form these humanoid Chimera Anima:

Name Episode Image Alien Creator Mark Location Misc
Chimera Cheetah Episode 06 Quiche Chest Made from the spirit of Mary McGuire.
Chimera Lizard
(Dub: Zamba)
Episode 07 Quiche Lower Abdomen Made from the spirit of a random woman.
Chimera Otter Episode 08 Quiche Upper Back Made from the spirit of Masazo Aoyamada.
Chimera Black Swan Episode 09 Quiche Base of Neck Made from the spirit of a ballerina.
Chimera Snake
(Dub: Annie Conda)
Episode 11 Quiche Back of Hood Made from the spirit of a TV station worker.
Chimera Butterfly
(Dub: Toxic Beauty)
Episode 14 Pie Chest Made from the spirit of Rei Nishina alongside a butterfly specimen.
Chimera Chicken Episode 20 Tart Forehead Made from the spirit of Heicha's teacher.
Chimera Love Birds Episode 23 Quiche N/A Made from the spirits of Moe and Miwa. While they were called Lovebirds, the Chimera Animas are actually modeled after male Frigatebirds (Fregata minor) despite the characters themselves being female.
Chimera Elephant Episode 30 Quiche Arms Accidentally made from the spirit of Shunsuke. It can't move fast.
Chimera Flying Dragon Episode 32 Quiche Unknown Made from the spirit of one of the men at Minto Aizawa's party. It's weakness is it's mouth.
Chimera Kangaroo Episode 33 Quiche Unknown Made from the spirit of a ring girl.
Chimera Spider Episode 34 Quiche Chest Made from the spirit of Ayano Uemura.


Most of the Plant Chimera Anima are created by Tart.

Name Episode Image Alien Creator Mark Location Misc
Chimera Plant Episode 15 Tart Unknown This unspecified plant Chimera Anima was responsible for accidentally abducting Masha.
Chimera Radish Episode 17
Episode 18
Tart N/A These Chimera Anima attacked Retasu Midorikawa and Bu-Ling Huang in the park.
Chimera Cactus Episode 33 Tart Unknown It was the first Chimera Anima to be defeated by someone who is not a Mew Mew. In this case, it's Yuebin Long who used a martial arts move on it.
Chimera Taiboku Episode 44 Tart Unknown Made from a tree that was said to have contained Mew Aqua in it.


The following either aren't made from an animal, human spirit, or a plant or there is no confirmation on what they were made from:

Name Episode Image Alien Creator Misc Mark Location
Chimera Mew Aqua Episode 21 Quiche N/A It took a lot of Para Paras to create this Chimera Anima from Mew Aqua. It's weakness is the eye on the center of it's back.
Chimera Turtle Episode 24 Quiche Back of Head It was created to target a rainbow stone at Zakuro's fashion show that might have Mew Aqua in it.
Chimera Tapir Episode 39 Pie N/A Pie used his machine to create this Chimera Anima to infiltrate Ichigo's dreams.
Chimera Fish Mare Episode 41 Pie Crown Pie used his machine to create this Chimera Anima to pollute the bay.
Chimera "Octoblob" Episode 47 Pie N/A This was a blob who took the shape of an octopus upon being summoned by Pie.
Chimera Hybrid Episode 36
Episode 51
N/A (First)
Pie (Second)
N/A The first version of this Chimera Anima was presumably resurrected from her tablet in Dr. Shirogane's experiment and was destroyed along with the flames that killed Ryo's parents.
The second version was created by Pie to stop the Mew from reaching Deep Blue within the fortress. It was destroyed by the ray from the Mew Aqua's explosion caused by Deep Blue.

Video Game[]

These are the Chimera Animas that appear in the Tokyo Mew Mew Playstation game:

Name Game Image Misc
Chimera Arctic Wolf Tojo Shin Mew Mew!
Chimera Boar Tojo Shin Mew Mew!
Chimera Crow Tojo Shin Mew Mew!
Chimera Fox Tojo Shin Mew Mew!
Chimera Goat Tojo Shin Mew Mew!
Chimera Kiwi Tojo Shin Mew Mew!
Chimera Mouse Tojo Shin Mew Mew!
Chimera Penguin Tojo Shin Mew Mew!
Chimera Pigeon Tojo Shin Mew Mew!
Chimera Rabbit Tojo Shin Mew Mew!
Chimera Scorpion Tojo Shin Mew Mew!
Chimera Skunk Tojo Shin Mew Mew!


Name Changes (Manga)[]

Language Title Publisher Jellyfish Creatures Monsters
Japanese Tokyo Mew Mew Kodansha Parasite Alien Chimera Anima
English (TokyoPop) Tokyo Mew Mew TokyoPop Parasite Alien Kirema Anima (1st Series)

Chimera Anima (à la Mode)

English (Kodansha) Tokyo Mew Mew Kodansha Parasite Alien Chimera Animal (Vol. 1 & 2)

Chimera Anima (Onwards)

English (Singapore) Tokyo Mew Mew Chuang Yi Parasite Alien Chimera Anima

Name Changes (Anime)[]

Language Title Jellyfish Creatures Monster
Japanese Tokyo Mew Mew Parasite Alien /

Para Para

Chimera Anima
English Mew Mew Power Infuser Predasite
Mandarin Dōng Jīng Māo Māo
(Tokyo Cats / Tokyo Mew Mew)
寄生外星人 (Parasitic Alien)
小怪物 (Little Monster)
異形怪獸 (Alien Monster)
Cantonese (TVB Dub) Dung Ging Miu Miu
(Tokyo Mew Mew)
N/A Chimera
Cantonese (ATV Dub) Maau Maau Jin Deui
(Cat Team / Mew Mew Team)
Italian Mew Mew Amiche Vincenti
(Mew Mew Winning Friends)
Alieno Parassita

(Parasite Alien)



Korean Berry Berry Mew Mew 기생물 외계인

(Parasite Alien)

키메라 애니마

(Chimera Anima)

Hebrew Tokyo Mew Mew Cyniclon / Alien Chimera
Brazilian Portuguese As Super Gatinhas
(The Super Kittens)
Infusor (Infuser) Predador


Portuguese (Canal Panda) Mew Mew Power Infusor (Infuser) Predasit


Portuguese (SIC) Tokyo Mew Mew Aliens Chimera
Danish Mew Mew Power N/A Chimera
Thai Tokyo Mew Mew Parasite Alien Chimera Anima
Albanian (Albanian Production) Vajzat Mjau - Mbrojtëset e Planetit
(Mew Girls - Defenders of the Planet)

(Infuser) / Injektuës (Injector)



Albanian ("Jess" Discographic) Luftëtaret Mace
(Cat Warriors
Alien Parazit

(Parasite Alien)



Hungarian Vadmacska Kommandó
(Wildcat Commando)
N/A Mutáns


Latino Spanish Miau Miau Power (Mew Mew Power) Infuser Predasito


French Mew Mew Power Infiltrât




Dutch Mew Mew Power N/A Predasiet


Serbian Družina Mjau - Mjau / Mjau - Mjau Tokio
(Mew Mew Team / Tokyo Mew Mew Team)



(Weird Creature)

Croatian Mijau Mijau Družina
(Mew Mew Team)
Bulgarian Силата Миу Миу / Silata Mew Mew
(Mew Mew Power)
N/A Predazit


Greek Mew Mew Power N/A Predasite
Turkish Mew Mew Power / Sihirli Kızlar
(Magical Girls)



  • It is possible that the concept of Chimera Anima came from the Bagu; enemies of Hime Azumi from Tokyo Black Cat Girl.
  • "Chimera Anima" was translated as Kirema Anima in TokyoPop's translation of the Tokyo Mew Mew manga, and then into Chimera Anima during Tokyo Mew Mew à la Mode, which may lead to confusion (see below).
  • Fansubs mistranslated the name as Chimera Animal. The correct translation to the katakana used in the original script, アニマ(A-ni-ma), is Anima, which is a Latin word that means 'soul'. Animal in katakana would've been written as アニマル(A-ni-ma-ru). Despite it being shown in written form in the anime, even in perfect English, it was still mistranslated.
  • The first volume of the manga omnibus(vol. 1 & 2), released by Kodansha, calls the monsters Chimera Animals but realized their mistake and correct it in later volumes, giving the correct name.
  • In Tokyo Mew Mew New Cryptids like the Loch Ness, tsuchinoko, yeti etc. are just normal creatures that were turn into Chimera Animas.